FIND function

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What will we Learn from This Blog?

We will Learn About FIND Function in Excel and able to answer “how to use FIND function in excel” The syntex, How to Use it, Common Mistake Around it, Advance Tips and Tricks etc. Hope so we will end the blog and Know about this Logical Function Thoroughly. 


Importance of Functions in Excel

Excel is a Day to Day Go through software now in this world, to calculate, get track of previous data. Functions are playing a crucial role in Excel as they enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis and manipulation. from Automating Calculations, Dynamic Updates, Error Checking To data analysis it makes our life easy. 

Importance of FIND Function in Excel

The FIND function in Excel is essential for locating the position of a specific character or substring within a text string. It’s particularly useful for data manipulation and extraction tasks. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Locates specific text: FIND helps pinpoint the position of a specified character or substring within a cell’s contents.
  • Flexible search criteria: It allows users to search for both single characters and longer strings, making it versatile for various data analysis needs.
  • Case-sensitive option: Users can choose whether the search is case-sensitive, offering finer control over search results.
  • Works with other functions: FIND can be combined with other functions like MID or LEFT to extract specific portions of text based on the found position.
  • Useful for data cleaning: It assists in cleaning up data by identifying and isolating specific elements within text strings.
  • Enhances data manipulation: FIND enables users to manipulate data more efficiently by precisely locating and extracting relevant information.
  • Time-saving tool: By automating the search process, FIND helps users save time and effort in data analysis and manipulation tasks.

What is the FIND Function?


The FIND function in Excel is a text function used to locate the position of a specified substring within a given text string. It returns the position of the first occurrence of the substring, counting from the beginning of the text string.


The purpose of using the FIND function in Excel is to locate the position of a specific substring within a text string. It helps users identify the starting position of a particular character or sequence of characters within a larger text, enabling efficient data manipulation, extraction, and analysis.

Syntex for Excel FIND Function:


The syntax of the FIND function in Excel is as follows:

=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])

find_text: The substring you want to find within the text.
within_text: The text string that contains the substring you want to find.
[start_num] (optional): Specifies the character position in the within_text where the search will start. If omitted, the search begins at the first character.

Return Value

The FIND function in Excel returns the position of the first occurrence of the specified substring within the given text string. If the substring is not found, it returns the #VALUE! error.

How to Use:

To use the FIND function in Excel, follow this syntax:


=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])


find_text: This is the substring you want to locate within the text.
within_text: This is the text string containing the substring you’re searching for.
[start_num] (optional): You can specify the character position in the within_text where the search will begin. If omitted, it starts from the first character.

For example, if you have the text “apple pie” in cell A1 and you want to find the position of the letter “p”, you can use:


=FIND(“p”, A1)


This formula will return the value 3 because “p” is the third character in the word “apple”.

Examples with Description

lets learn this Function with Example: 

Example 01: Extracting First Name from Full Name:

=LEFT(A2, FIND(” “, A2) – 1)

Suppose you have a list of full names in column A (e.g., “John Doe”, “Jane Smith”), and you want to extract only the first names. You can use this formula to find the position of the space character using the FIND function and then extract the first name using the LEFT function.

Example 02: Finding the Position of "@" in an Email Address:

=FIND(“@”, A2)

If you have a list of email addresses in column A and you want to find the position of the “@” symbol, you can use this formula. It searches for the “@” symbol within each email address and returns the position of the first occurrence.

Example 03: Checking for Specific Text within a Sentence:

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(“apple”, A2)), “Contains apple”, “Does not contain apple”)

Suppose you have a list of sentences in column A, and you want to check if each sentence contains the word “apple”. This formula uses the FIND function to search for “apple” within each sentence. If “apple” is found, it returns “Contains apple”; otherwise, it returns “Does not contain apple”.

Common Mistakes

Common Error

1. #VALUE! error: This error occurs when the FIND function cannot locate the specified substring within the given text string.

2. Invalid start_num value error: If the start_num argument provided to the FIND function is negative or exceeds the length of the text string, it will result in an error.

3. Case sensitivity error: The FIND function is case-sensitive by default. If the substring you’re searching for has a different case than the text string, it may not be found, resulting in an error.

How to solve

1. #VALUE! error:

  • Use the UPPER or LOWER function to convert both the substring and text string to the same case before performing the search.
  • Alternatively, use the SEARCH function, which is case-insensitive.

2. Invalid start_num value error:

  • Check the start_num value to ensure it is within the valid range (i.e., greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the length of the text string).
  • If using a variable for start_num, ensure it is properly calculated and does not result in a negative value or exceed the length of the text string.

3. Case sensitivity error:

  • Use the UPPER or LOWER function to convert both the substring and text string to the same case before performing the search.
  • Alternatively, use the SEARCH function, which is case-insensitive.

How to Avoid

1. #VALUE! error:

  • Ensure that the substring you’re searching for actually exists within the text string.
  • Use error handling functions like IFERROR to handle cases where the substring may not be found.

2. Invalid start_num value error:

  • Always ensure that the start_num value is within the valid range by validating inputs or using appropriate error handling.
  • If unsure about the start_num, omit it from the formula to start searching from the beginning of the text string.

3. Case sensitivity error:

  • Consistently use the same case for both the substring and text string to ensure accurate results.
  • If case sensitivity is a concern, consider using the SEARCH function instead of FIND.

Advance tips and Tricks:

Here are some advanced tips and tricks for effectively using this function in Excel:

Using FIND with MID for Extracting Text:

Tip: Combine the FIND function with the MID function to extract text based on its position within a string.

=MID(text, FIND(find_text, within_text) + 1, len_text)

This technique is useful for extracting substrings from a larger text string by first locating the starting position using FIND and then using MID to extract the desired portion of text.

Using FIND with SUBSTITUTE for Complex Text Manipulation:

Tip: Use FIND in conjunction with SUBSTITUTE to perform complex text manipulation tasks, such as replacing specific occurrences of a substring within a text string.

=SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, instance_num)

By combining FIND to locate the position of the substring and SUBSTITUTE to replace it, you can create advanced formulas for modifying text strings according to specific criteria.

Using FIND with IFERROR for Error Handling:

Tip: Employ the FIND function within the IFERROR function to handle cases where the substring is not found within the text string gracefully.

=IFERROR(FIND(find_text, within_text), “Not Found”)

This technique helps prevent #VALUE! errors by returning a custom message (e.g., “Not Found”) when the substring is not present in the text string, improving the readability and usability of your spreadsheet.

Using FIND with LEN for Extracting Variable-Length Text:

Tip: Combine the FIND function with LEN to extract variable-length text from a string, starting from a specific position.

=MID(text, FIND(find_text, within_text), LEN(within_text) – FIND(find_text, within_text) + 1)

This technique is helpful when extracting text of varying lengths from a string. By utilizing LEN to determine the length of the text string and FIND to locate the starting position, you can extract text dynamically regardless of its length.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is the difference between FIND and SEARCH functions?

FIND is case-sensitive, while SEARCH is not. Additionally, FIND is not compatible with wildcard characters, whereas SEARCH allows wildcard characters.

02. Can FIND be used to search for multiple substrings at once?

No, FIND can only search for one substring at a time within a text string. If you need to search for multiple substrings, you may need to use additional functions or formulas.

03. What does the #VALUE! error mean when using FIND?

The #VALUE! error occurs when the FIND function cannot locate the specified substring within the given text string.

04. Can I use FIND to search for special characters or symbols?

Yes, FIND can be used to search for special characters or symbols within a text string. Just input the character or symbol you want to find as the search criteria.

05. Is FIND case-sensitive?

Yes, FIND is case-sensitive by default. This means that it will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters when searching for a substring.

06. Can I use FIND to search for a substring in a range of cells?

Yes, FIND can be applied to search for substrings within a range of cells by using array formulas or combining it with other functions like SUMPRODUCT.

07. How can I ignore case sensitivity when using FIND?

To ignore case sensitivity, you can convert both the text string and the substring to the same case using the UPPER or LOWER function before using FIND.

08. Can FIND be used to search for text in non-contiguous cells?

Yes, you can use FIND to search for text in non-contiguous cells by referencing each cell individually or by combining them into a single text string.

09. What is the maximum length of the text string that FIND can handle?

FIND can handle text strings with a maximum length of 32,767 characters in Excel.

10. Can FIND be used in combination with other functions?

Yes, FIND can be combined with various other functions such as LEFT, RIGHT, MID, and SUBSTITUTE to perform more complex text manipulation tasks.

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