MATCH Function

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What will we Learn from This Blog?

We will Learn About MATCH Function in Excel and able to answer “how to use MATCH function in excel” The syntex, How to Use it, Common Mistake Around it, Advance Tips and Tricks etc. Hope so we will end the blog and Know about this Logical Function Thoroughly


Importance of Functions in Excel

Excel is a Day to Day Go through software now in this world, to calculate, get track of previous data. Functions are playing a crucial role in Excel as they enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis and manipulation. from Automating Calculations, Dynamic Updates, Error Checking To data analysis it makes our life easy. 

Importance of MATCH Function in Excel

The MATCH function in Excel is crucial for various tasks, providing a flexible way to locate the position of a specified value within a range. Here are its key points:

  • Search and Retrieval: MATCH helps find the relative position of a lookup value in a range, either in a row or column.
  • Versatility: It offers options for exact or approximate matches, giving flexibility based on the data type and requirements.
  • Data Sorting: Useful in scenarios where data is sorted, as it can quickly identify the position without the need for manual searching.
  • Index-Match Combo: Often paired with the INDEX function, MATCH forms a powerful combination for looking up and retrieving data efficiently.
  • Dynamic Formulas: Enhances the dynamic nature of Excel formulas, as it allows for automated adjustments when the underlying data changes.
  • Avoids Errors: Reduces the risk of errors compared to manual searching or using static references, enhancing the reliability of Excel models.

What is the MATCH Function?


The MATCH function in Excel is a tool that determines the relative position of a specified value within a given range. It helps streamline data retrieval tasks by providing the position of a value, whether in a row or column.


The primary purpose of the MATCH function is to enhance the efficiency of data search and retrieval in Excel. By offering flexibility for both exact and approximate matches, it contributes to the dynamic nature of formulas, reducing errors and improving the reliability of spreadsheet models.

Syntex of MATCH Function:


The syntax for the MATCH function in Excel is as follows:


=MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])

  • lookup_value: The value you want to find within the lookup_array.
  • lookup_array: The range of cells containing possible matches for the lookup_value.
  • [match_type]: An optional parameter specifying the type of match:
    • 1 for less than or equal to (default)
    • 0 for an exact match
    • -1 for greater than or equal to

Return Value

The return value of the MATCH function in Excel is the relative position of the lookup value within the specified range (lookup_array). The function returns an integer that represents the position of the first occurrence of the lookup value in the range.

If no match is found, the function returns an error, typically the #N/A error. The exact value and interpretation depend on the circumstances, such as whether an exact match is required and the presence of approximate matches.

How to Use:

Suppose you have a list of numbers in cells A1:A5 and you want to find the position of the value 15.

Select a cell where you want the result to appear.

Enter the following formula:


=MATCH(15, A1:A5, 0)

This formula searches for an exact match of the value 15 in the range A1:A5.

Press Enter.

The result will be the relative position of the value 15 within the specified range.

If 15 is in the third position in the range, the result will be:

=MATCH(15, A1:A5, 0) –> Result: 3


Remember to adjust the lookup_value, lookup_array, and [match_type] according to your specific scenario.

Examples with Description

lets learn this Function with Example: 

Example 01: Exact Match:

=MATCH(42, A1:A10, 0)

This formula searches for the exact value 42 in the range A1 to A10 and returns its position. The “0” for [match_type] signifies an exact match.

Example 02: Approximate Match (Less Than):

=MATCH(75, B1:B10, 1)

This formula finds the position of the largest value less than or equal to 75 in the range B1 to B10. The “1” for [match_type] indicates a less than or equal to match.

Example 03: Approximate Match (Greater Than):

=MATCH(150, C1:C10, -1)

This formula finds the position of the smallest value greater than or equal to 150 in the range C1 to C10. The “-1” for [match_type] denotes a greater than or equal to match.

Common Mistakes

Common Error

  • Mismatched Data Types: Mismatched data types in the lookup value and the lookup array.

    =MATCH(“123”, A1:A10, 0) // Lookup value is a text, but A1:A10 contains numbers

  • Not Sorting for Approximate Matches: Not sorting the lookup array for approximate matches (using match_type 1 or -1).

    =MATCH(75, B1:B10, 1) // Using match_type 1 for an unsorted lookup_array

  • Missing Match: Missing match leading to #N/A errors.

    =MATCH(999, C1:C10, 0) // Specified value not found, returns #N/A error

  • Array Size Mismatch: Array size mismatch between the lookup_array and the range where MATCH is used.

    =MATCH(A1:A5, B1:B10, 0) // Size mismatch between lookup_array and the range in which MATCH is used

  • Incorrect Match Type: Incorrect match_type parameter.

    =MATCH(42, D1:D10, 2) // Incorrect match_type parameter (should be 0, 1, or -1)

How to solve

  • Mismatched Data Types: Ensure compatible data types; use functions like VALUE or TEXT for conversion.

    =MATCH(VALUE(“123”), A1:A10, 0) // Convert text to number using VALUE function

  • Not Sorting for Approximate Matches:Sort the lookup_array for approximate matches in ascending or descending order.

    =MATCH(75, SORT(B1:B10), 1) // Sort the lookup_array using the SORT function

  • Missing Match:Use IFERROR or ISNUMBER to handle missing matches gracefully.

    =IFERROR(MATCH(999, C1:C10, 0), “Not Found”) // Handle missing match with IFERROR

  • Array Size Mismatch:Double-check and ensure the lookup_array and the range have the same number of elements.

    =MATCH(A1, B1:B10, 0) // Ensure both arrays have the same size

  • Incorrect Match Type:Understand and use the correct match_type parameter (0 for exact match, 1 for less than, -1 for greater than).

    =MATCH(42, D1:D10, 0) // Use the correct match_type parameter (0, 1, or -1)

How to Avoid

  1. Consistent Data Types:

    • Ensure that the data types are consistent. For instance, if you’re searching for a number, use numbers in the lookup_array.
  2. Sorting for Approximate Matches:

    • Always sort the lookup_array when using match_type 1 or -1. This ensures accurate results for less than or greater than matches.
  3. Error-Checking Mechanisms:

    • Use the IFERROR function to handle missing matches gracefully.
    • Use ISNUMBER to check if a match is found before further calculations.
  4. Check Array Sizes:

    • Double-check and confirm that the lookup_array and the range where MATCH is used have the same number of elements.
  5. Understanding Match Types:

    • Familiarize yourself with the purpose of each match_type.
    • Avoid using an incorrect match_type parameter.

Advance tips and Tricks:

Here are some advanced tips and tricks for effectively using the MATCH function in Excel:

Using MATCH with INDEX for Dynamic Lookups:

Tip: Combine MATCH with INDEX for dynamic lookups, allowing you to retrieve values based on the position found.

=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, 0))

This technique is powerful for creating flexible lookup formulas that adapt to changes in the data structure.

Handling Duplicates with MATCH and ROW Function:

Tip: Use ROW function to create an array that distinguishes duplicates when searching for a value.

=MATCH(lookup_value & ROW(lookup_array), lookup_array, 0)

This is helpful when dealing with datasets containing repeated values, and you need to identify or handle each occurrence differently.

Finding the Nth Occurrence with SMALL and INDEX:

Tip: Combine MATCH with SMALL and INDEX to find the position of the Nth occurrence of a value in a list.

=INDEX(lookup_array, SMALL(IF(lookup_array=lookup_value, ROW(lookup_array)-MIN(ROW(lookup_array))+1), n))

Useful for scenarios where you want to identify the second, third, or nth instance of a specific value.

Using MATCH in Array Formulas:

Tip: Utilize MATCH within array formulas for complex lookup scenarios.

=MATCH(1, (criteria_range1=criteria1)*(criteria_range2=criteria2), 0)

This extends the functionality of the MATCH function, allowing for more intricate and customized searches.

Matching Multiple Criteria with MATCH and INDEX:

Tip: Employ MATCH and INDEX together to search for values based on multiple criteria.

=INDEX(return_range, MATCH(1, (criteria1_range=criteria1)*(criteria2_range=criteria2), 0))

This is valuable for advanced data retrieval where you need to match across two or more conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What does the MATCH function do in Excel?

The MATCH function in Excel is used to find the relative position of a specified value within a range. It returns the position of the first occurrence of the lookup value.

02. What are the different match_type options?

The match_type parameter specifies the type of match to perform. Use 0 for an exact match, 1 for less than, and -1 for greater than. The default is 1 if omitted.

03. How do I handle errors when using MATCH?

Use the IFERROR function to handle errors gracefully. For example:

=IFERROR(MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, 0), “Not Found”)

04. Can I use MATCH for case-sensitive lookups?

No, the MATCH function in Excel is case-insensitive. To perform case-sensitive lookups, consider using the EXACT function or converting the text to a consistent case before using MATCH.

05. How can I find the position of the last occurrence of a value with MATCH?

Unfortunately, MATCH alone cannot find the last occurrence directly. You may need to use a combination of other functions like INDEX and MAX to achieve this.

06. Can I use MATCH for two-dimensional lookups?

Yes, you can use MATCH for two-dimensional lookups by applying it separately for rows and columns, then using the results in the INDEX function.

07. Does the MATCH function work with wildcards?

No, the MATCH function doesn’t support wildcards. If you need wildcard functionality, consider using functions like VLOOKUP  or INDEX with MATCH combined.

08. What's the difference between MATCH and VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP?

MATCH is primarily used to find the position of a value, while VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are used to retrieve values based on a lookup key. MATCH is more versatile for advanced scenarios, while VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are simpler for straightforward lookups.

09. Can I use MATCH with an array of values?

Yes, MATCH can be used with an array of values. When used in an array formula, it can perform advanced searches and return an array of results.

09. How can I use MATCH for approximate matches with non-numeric values?

For approximate matches with non-numeric values, you can use the combination of  INDEX , MATCH , and MIN or MAX functions. Adjust the match_type parameter accordingly.

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