NOW Function

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We will Learn About NOW Function in Excel and able to answer “how to use NOW function in excel” The syntex, How to Use it, Common Mistake Around it, Advance Tips and Tricks etc. Hope so we will end the blog and Know about this Logical Function Thoroughly. 


Importance of Functions in Excel

Excel is a Day to Day Go through software now in this world, to calculate, get track of previous data. Functions are playing a crucial role in Excel as they enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis and manipulation. from Automating Calculations, Dynamic Updates, Error Checking To data analysis it makes our life easy. 

Importance of NOW Function in Excel

The NOW function in Excel is crucial for obtaining the current date and time within a spreadsheet. It updates automatically whenever the worksheet is recalculated or reopened, providing real-time information. Here’s a brief overview followed by bullet points:

  • Real-Time Timestamp: NOW function returns the current date and time, accurately reflecting the moment it is called.
  • Dynamic Updates: It continuously updates, ensuring that the displayed timestamp remains current.
  • Useful for Time-sensitive Calculations: Ideal for tracking deadlines, monitoring stock prices, or recording transaction times.
  • Automation: Facilitates automation by incorporating real-time data into formulas and analyses.
  • Ease of Use: Simple to implement, requiring no manual input for time updates.
  • Versatility: Compatible with various Excel functions and features for diverse applications.
  • Enhances Data Integrity: Ensures accuracy by eliminating the need for manual timestamp entries.
  • Time Tracking: Useful for creating time logs, audit trails, or time-stamped records in financial models or project management sheets.

What is the NOW Function?


The NOW function in Excel is a built-in function that returns the current date and time as a serial number. It updates automatically whenever the worksheet is recalculated or opened, providing real-time information about the current date and time.


The purpose of using the NOW function in Excel is to obtain the current date and time within a spreadsheet. It provides real-time information that can be used for various purposes such as tracking deadlines, monitoring stock prices, recording transaction times, automating calculations, and creating time-stamped records or logs.

Syntex for Excel NOW Function:


The syntax for the NOW function in Excel is:



This function does not require any arguments. Simply typing “=NOW()” into a cell will return the current date and time.

Return Value

The return value of the NOW function in Excel is the current date and time, represented as a serial number. This value is continuously updated to reflect the current moment whenever the worksheet is recalculated or reopened.

How to Use:

To use the NOW function in Excel:

  1. Select the cell where you want the current date and time to appear.
  2. Type the following formula: =NOW().
  3. Press Enter.

The cell will then display the current date and time. Remember that this value will update automatically whenever the worksheet is recalculated or reopened.

Examples with Description

lets learn this Function with Example: 

Example 01: Tracking Project Deadlines:

= IF(B2<TODAY(),”Overdue”,”Upcoming”)

In a project management spreadsheet, you can use the NOW function in combination with conditional formatting to track project deadlines. For instance, if the project deadline is in cell B2, this formula will compare it with the current date (obtained via the TODAY function) and display “Overdue” if the deadline has passed, or “Upcoming” if it’s still in the future.

Example 02: Real-Time Timestamp for Transactions


In a transaction log or inventory management sheet, you might want to record the time when each transaction occurs. This formula will automatically insert the current date and time (via the NOW function) in column B whenever a new transaction is entered in column A.

Example 03: Monitoring Stock Prices


If you’re monitoring the expiration dates of stock items in a spreadsheet, you can use the NOW function along with conditional formatting. For example, if the expiration date is in cell A2, this formula will compare it with the current date (via the TODAY function) and display “Expired” if the date has passed, or “Active” if it’s still valid.

Common Mistakes

Common Error

Common errors associated with the NOW function in Excel include:

  1. Static Timestamps: Forgetting that the NOW function updates automatically, users may mistakenly assume it provides a static timestamp. If the worksheet is not set to recalculate automatically, the timestamp may not reflect the current date and time.

  2. Inconsistent Timezone: The NOW function retrieves the current date and time based on the system clock of the computer running Excel. If users work across different time zones or the system clock is incorrect, the NOW function may return inaccurate timestamps.

  3. Circular References: Using the NOW function within a formula that indirectly or directly references the same cell can cause circular references. Excel may display a warning or incorrect results, as the function continuously updates, leading to an infinite loop of recalculations.

  4. Volatile Behavior: The NOW function is a volatile function, meaning it recalculates every time there’s a change in the worksheet. Overuse of volatile functions like NOW can slow down performance in large spreadsheets.

  5. Data Entry Errors: Placing the NOW function directly in a cell without considering its continuous updating nature can lead to accidental data loss or overwriting of previous timestamps. This may occur if users are not careful when entering or copying formulas.

  6. Formatting Issues: Sometimes, users encounter formatting issues with the output of the NOW function. This can occur if the cell is not formatted to display dates and times correctly, leading to confusion or misinterpretation of the timestamp.

Understanding these common errors can help users effectively utilize the NOW function while avoiding potential pitfalls in their Excel spreadsheets.

How to solve

To resolve common errors associated with the NOW function in Excel:

  1. Static Timestamps: Ensure that the worksheet is set to recalculate automatically. Go to the “Formulas” tab, click on “Calculation Options,” and select “Automatic” to ensure the NOW function updates in real-time.

  2. Inconsistent Timezone: Verify the system clock settings on the computer running Excel. Adjust the timezone if necessary to ensure accurate timestamps.

  3. Circular References: Identify and remove any circular references by reviewing the formulas in the affected cells. Modify the formulas to eliminate the circular dependency, or consider using the NOW function outside of formula cells where circular references may occur.

  4. Volatile Behavior: Limit the use of volatile functions like NOW in large spreadsheets to avoid performance issues. Consider using the NOW function only where real-time updates are necessary.

  5. Data Entry Errors: Exercise caution when placing the NOW function directly in cells to prevent accidental data loss. Alternatively, use formulas in adjacent cells to calculate timestamps based on user input or specific events.

  6. Formatting Issues: Format the cells containing NOW function outputs correctly to display dates and times in the desired format. Right-click on the cell, select “Format Cells,” and choose the appropriate date and time format from the “Number” tab.

By addressing these solutions, users can effectively utilize the NOW function in Excel while minimizing potential errors and ensuring accurate timestamp tracking.

How to Avoid

To avoid common errors associated with the NOW function in Excel:

  1. Static Timestamps: Always ensure that the worksheet is set to recalculate automatically. This ensures that the NOW function updates in real-time. Go to the “Formulas” tab, click on “Calculation Options,” and select “Automatic.”

  2. Inconsistent Timezone: Regularly check and adjust the system clock settings on the computer running Excel to ensure accurate timestamps across different time zones.

  3. Circular References: Avoid creating formulas with circular references that include the NOW function. Review formulas in the worksheet to identify and eliminate any circular dependencies.

  4. Volatile Behavior: Use volatile functions like NOW judiciously, especially in large spreadsheets, to avoid performance issues. Consider using the NOW function only where real-time updates are necessary.

  5. Data Entry Errors: Be cautious when using the NOW function directly in cells to prevent accidental data loss. Consider using formulas in adjacent cells to calculate timestamps based on user input or specific events.

  6. Formatting Issues: Format cells containing NOW function outputs correctly to display dates and times in the desired format. Right-click on the cell, select “Format Cells,” and choose the appropriate date and time format from the “Number” tab.

By following these guidelines, users can effectively utilize the NOW function in Excel while minimizing errors and ensuring accurate timestamp tracking.

Advance tips and Tricks:

Here are some advanced tips and tricks for effectively using this function in Excel:

Dynamic Time Stamps with NOW and VLOOKUP:

Tip: Combine NOW with VLOOKUP to create dynamic time-stamped entries in a table. Use NOW as the lookup value in VLOOKUP to retrieve the most recent entry.

=VLOOKUP(NOW(), data_range, column_number, FALSE)

This technique allows for automatically updating time-stamped entries in a table, ensuring that the latest information is always displayed.

Conditional Formatting Based on Time with NOW:

Tip: Utilize NOW function in conditional formatting rules to highlight cells based on current time. For instance, highlight cells that contain timestamps within the last hour.


By subtracting the timestamp in cell A1 from the current time (NOW), this formula checks if the timestamp is within the last hour, triggering conditional formatting to visually emphasize recent entries.

Tracking Elapsed Time with NOW:

Tip: Calculate elapsed time by subtracting past timestamps from the current time (NOW). This is useful for monitoring the duration of events or processes.


Subtracting the start timestamp from the current time provides a real-time update on the duration of an ongoing task or event, facilitating better time management and decision-making.

Creating Dynamic Aging Reports:

Use the NOW function in conjunction with date values to create dynamic aging reports. Calculate the age of items, invoices, or tasks by subtracting their creation dates from the current date.


By subtracting the creation date from the current date (obtained with the NOW function), this formula generates real-time aging metrics, allowing for timely analysis and decision-making based on the age of items.

Automating Time-based Notifications:

Tip: Set up automated notifications based on specific time thresholds using the NOW function. Combine it with conditional formatting or IF statements to trigger alerts or reminders for upcoming deadlines.

=IF((deadline-NOW())<3, “Reminder”, “”)

By comparing the difference between the deadline and the current time (NOW) with predefined thresholds, this formula generates reminders or alerts when deadlines are approaching, enhancing productivity and timely action.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is the NOW function in Excel, and what does it do?

The NOW function in Excel returns the current date and time as a serial number, updating automatically whenever the worksheet is recalculated or reopened.

02. How do I use the NOW function in Excel?

To use the NOW function, simply type “=NOW()” into a cell where you want the current date and time to appear, and press Enter.

03. Can the NOW function be used in formulas?

Yes, the NOW function can be used within formulas to perform calculations or create dynamic time-based conditions.

04. Does the NOW function update continuously?

Yes, the NOW function updates continuously, providing real-time information about the current date and time whenever the worksheet is recalculated or reopened.

05. Can I format the output of the NOW function?

Yes, you can format the cell containing the NOW function to display the date and time in various formats using Excel’s formatting options.

06. Is the NOW function affected by changes in system time or time zone?

Yes, the NOW function retrieves the current date and time based on the system clock of the computer running Excel, so changes in system time or time zone will affect its output.

07. How can I avoid circular references when using the NOW function?

To avoid circular references, ensure that the NOW function is not directly or indirectly referenced within a formula that affects the cell containing the NOW function.

08. Can I use the NOW function for conditional formatting?

Yes, you can use the NOW function in conditional formatting rules to highlight cells based on the current date and time or to trigger alerts for upcoming deadlines.

09. Is the NOW function volatile?

Yes, the NOW function is a volatile function, meaning it recalculates every time there’s a change in the worksheet, which can affect performance in large spreadsheets.

10. What are some practical uses of the NOW function?

Practical uses of the NOW function include tracking deadlines, monitoring stock prices, recording transaction times, creating time-stamped logs, and automating time-based notifications or reminders.

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