SORT Function

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What will we Learn from This Blog?

We will Learn About SORT Function in Excel and able to answer “how to use SORT function in excel” The syntex, How to Use it, Common Mistake Around it, Advance Tips and Tricks etc. Hope so we will end the blog and Know about this Logical Function Thoroughly. 


Importance of Functions in Excel

Excel is a Day to Day Go through software now in this world, to calculate, get track of previous data. Functions are playing a crucial role in Excel as they enhance the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis and manipulation. from Automating Calculations, Dynamic Updates, Error Checking To data analysis it makes our life easy. 

Importance of SORT Function in Excel

The SORT function in Excel is a powerful tool used to reorder data based on specified criteria. It allows users to quickly organize and arrange data sets in ascending or descending order, providing clarity and ease of analysis. Here are some key points about the importance of the SORT function:

  • Facilitates data analysis: SORT function helps users quickly arrange data in a logical order, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and outliers.
  • Saves time: Instead of manually sorting large datasets, the SORT function automates the process, saving valuable time and reducing the chance of errors.
  • Enhances readability: By arranging data in a structured manner, SORT improves the readability of spreadsheets, making it simpler for users to comprehend and interpret information.
  • Supports efficient decision-making: With sorted data, users can make informed decisions more efficiently, as they can easily locate and prioritize relevant information.
  • Integrates with other functions: SORT function can be combined with other Excel functions to perform complex data analysis tasks, such as filtering, summarizing, and visualizing data.

What is the SORT Function?


The SORT function in Excel is a built-in feature that allows users to reorder rows of data within a range or array based on specified criteria. It enables users to sort data in ascending or descending order, enhancing the organization and analysis of information within spreadsheets.


The purpose of using the SORT function in Excel is to efficiently organize and rearrange data sets within spreadsheets. By sorting data based on specified criteria, such as alphabetical order or numerical value, the SORT function enhances the clarity, readability, and analysis of information, thereby facilitating decision-making and data interpretation.

Syntex for Excel SORT Function:


The syntax for the SORT function in Excel is as follows:

=SORT(array, [sort_index], [sort_order], [by_col])

array is the range or array of data to be sorted.
[sort_index] (optional) is the column number or row number within the array to sort by. If not specified, the entire array is sorted.
[sort_order] (optional) specifies the order of sorting: 1 for ascending (default) or -1 for descending.
[by_col] (optional) is a logical value indicating whether to sort by columns (TRUE) or rows (FALSE). By default, it sorts by rows.

Return Value

The SORT function in Excel returns a sorted array or range based on the specified criteria.

How to Use:

To use the SORT function in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select a cell where you want the sorted data to appear.
  2. Enter the SORT function in the selected cell.
  3. Provide the array or range of data you want to sort as the first argument.
  4. Optionally, specify the sort_index, sort_order, and by_col parameters to customize the sorting behavior.
  5. Press Enter to apply the function and sort the data accordingly.

Examples with Description

lets learn this Function with Example: 

Example 01: Sorting Alphabetically:

= SORT(A2:A10)

Assuming you have a list of names in cells A2 to A10 and you want to sort them alphabetically. You can use the SORT function with just the range of cells as the argument. This formula will rearrange the names in alphabetical order.

Example 02: Sorting Numerically in Descending Order:

= SORT(B2:B10, 1, -1)

Suppose you have a list of numbers in cells B2 to B10 and you want to sort them in descending order. You can use the SORT function with the range of cells as the first argument, the sort_index set to 1 (since it’s a single column), and sort_order set to -1 to indicate descending order.

Example 03: Sorting by Multiple Columns:

= SORT(A2:C10, 2, 1, TRUE)

Suppose you have a table with data spanning from cells A2 to C10, where column A contains names, column B contains ages, and column C contains scores. If you want to sort the data first by age (ascending) and then by name (alphabetically), you can use the SORT function with the range of cells, setting sort_index to 2 (for the second column), sort_order to 1 (for ascending order), and by_col to TRUE to indicate sorting by columns.

Common Mistakes

Common Error

SORT function returning #VALUE! error: This error occurs when one or more arguments provided to the SORT function are of the wrong data type or are incompatible with the function’s requirements. For example, providing non-numeric values when sorting numerically can trigger this error.

How to solve

  1. Ensure that all arguments provided to the SORT function are of the correct data type. For instance, if sorting numerically, ensure that all values in the range are numeric.
  2. Check for any empty cells or cells containing error values within the range to be sorted and correct them before using the SORT function.
  3. Verify that the specified sort_index, sort_order, and by_col parameters, if used, are valid and within the appropriate range.

How to Avoid

  1. Double-check the data types of the values within the range to be sorted before using the SORT function.
  2. Regularly validate the data being sorted to ensure it remains consistent and free from errors or inconsistencies.
  3. When possible, use data validation or input restrictions to prevent users from entering incompatible values within the data range.

Advance tips and Tricks:

Here are some advanced tips and tricks for effectively using this function in Excel:

Using SORT with FILTER for Dynamic Sorting:

Tip: Combine SORT with FILTER to dynamically sort data based on specific criteria, allowing you to create dynamic and customizable sorting functionalities.

=SORT(FILTER(data_range, condition), [sort_index], [sort_order], [by_col])

This technique enables you to sort data based on a condition specified in the FILTER function. For example, you can sort a list of products based on their sales performance using SORT with FILTER to display the top-selling items first, providing valuable insights into the dataset.

Using SORT with UNIQUE for Removing Duplicates:

Tip: Use SORT with UNIQUE to remove duplicates from a dataset while retaining the sorted order, ensuring clean and organized data.

=SORT(UNIQUE(data_range), [sort_index], [sort_order], [by_col])

By combining SORT with UNIQUE, you can efficiently eliminate duplicate entries from a dataset while preserving the desired sorting criteria. This method is particularly useful for creating clean and concise datasets for analysis or reporting purposes.

Using SORT with SEQUENCE for Generating Sequential Numbers:

Tip: Employ SORT with SEQUENCE to generate sequential numbers alongside sorted data, providing structured and numbered lists.

=SORT(data_range & SEQUENCE(COUNTA(data_range), 1, 1, 1), [sort_index], [sort_order], [by_col])

By appending a sequence of numbers to the sorted data range, this approach creates ordered lists with sequential numbering. It’s handy for creating numbered lists such as rankings or ordered inventories, enhancing the organization and readability of the data.

Sorting Data by Multiple Criteria:

Tip: Use SORT with nested functions or helper columns to sort data by multiple criteria, allowing for complex sorting requirements.

=SORT(data_range, {sort_index1, sort_index2, …}, {sort_order1, sort_order2, …})

By providing arrays for sort_index and sort_order parameters, you can sort data by multiple columns or criteria simultaneously. This technique is useful for scenarios where you need to prioritize sorting based on multiple factors, such as sorting sales data first by region and then by date.

Custom Sorting with SORTBY and Custom Lists:

Tip: Utilize SORTBY with custom lists to perform custom sorting, enabling you to define specific sorting orders beyond alphabetical or numerical.

=SORTBY(data_range, custom_list, [sort_order], [sort_by_col])

By specifying a custom_list as the second argument in SORTBY, you can define a custom order for sorting values. This allows for tailored sorting based on predefined preferences or specific business requirements, providing greater flexibility in organizing data according to non-standard criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is the purpose of the SORT function in Excel?

The SORT function in Excel is used to reorder data within a range or array based on specified criteria, facilitating organization and analysis.

02. Can the SORT function in Excel sort data based on multiple criteria?

Yes, by using nested functions or helper columns, the SORT function can sort data based on multiple criteria simultaneously.

03. Is it possible to remove duplicates while sorting data using the SORT function?

Yes, by combining SORT with the UNIQUE function, you can remove duplicates from a dataset while retaining the desired sorting order.

04. Can I sort data by non-standard criteria using the SORT function?

Yes, with the SORTBY function and custom lists, you can perform custom sorting based on specific preferences or business requirements.

05. Does the SORT function support sorting by both rows and columns?

Yes, the SORT function can sort data either by rows or by columns, depending on the specified parameter.

06. What should I do if the SORT function returns a #VALUE! error?

Ensure that all arguments provided to the SORT function are of the correct data type and compatible with its requirements, and verify the validity of any specified parameters.

07. Can the SORT function dynamically sort data based on changing criteria?

Yes, by using dynamic formulas such as SORT with FILTER, you can sort data dynamically based on specific conditions or criteria.

08. Is it possible to sort data in descending order using the SORT function?

Yes, by specifying a sort_order of -1 in the SORT function, you can sort data in descending order.

09. Can I use the SORT function to generate sequential numbers alongside sorted data?

Yes, by combining SORT with the SEQUENCE function, you can generate sequential numbers alongside sorted data, creating structured and numbered lists.

10. Is there a way to sort data based on complex criteria beyond simple alphabetical or numerical sorting?

Yes, by leveraging advanced techniques such as nested functions, custom lists, and helper columns, you can sort data based on complex criteria tailored to specific needs or preferences.

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